8 de agosto de 2008

jump with joey

"swingin' ska goes south of the border" (1999)

1. Nuevo Ritmo Ska-Chacha
2. TV Tray
3. Ska Train
4. Calafia
5. Rigor Mortis
6. Undecided
7. Fun At King King
8. Skood's Jazz Den
9. Dancin' Feet
10. Uncle Ratso
11. Dig That Rock
12. Skatrina

"generations united" (1997)

1. Jack Lord Ska
2. Jump With Joey
3. Pigeon Club
4. Bluest Blues
5. Cosita Linda
6. Summer Come Lovin'
7. Fried Neck Bones And Some Homefries
8. Jericho/Artibella
9. Ciao Marcello
10. Move Your Body
11. She Kept On Sittin' On It
12. Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White
13. Triple X
14. Pigeon Dub

"ska-ba" (1997)

1. Storm Warnings
2. Calling Dr. Greenbud
3. Ton Tok
4. Artibella
5. I Want You To Be My Baby
6. Whitey Palmer
7. Shuffle- This
8. El Diablo Ska
9. Hippie Crash Pad
10. Pearl High
11. Ska-Ba
12. Green Acres

3 comentários:

ska-king disse...

cannot download the file"Swingin' Ska Goes South of the Border"& "Ska-Ba" at Z-SHARE they are not working.... could some spare some help kindly repost them at RAPIDSHARE....... thank you very much .....

IgNoCh disse...

Could you please upload the albums again?? thank you man... good blog..

Lisandro disse...

Poorrr favor vuelve a cargar los discos que no se pueden bajar..y gracias desde venezuela