23 de maio de 2008

gangster politics

"gangster politics" (1998)

1. Twisted
2. Dance Of The Dead
3. Mr. PC
4. Mr. X's Travels
5. Nica's Dream
6. Things Aren't The Same
7. Step Backwards
8. Guns And Chicks
9. Room With Many Maps
10. Error 11
11. Oleo
12. Vector Madness
13. Women
14. Bonus Track

2 comentários:

Ludo disse...

Merci, merci, merci!

notancul disse...

Hola. Saben si hay algún otro disco de esta genial banda?

(now in English, just in case. I don't know a word of poruguese, btw)

Hello, do you know if there is any other album of this incredible band?

Agradecería cualquier información y dejo la invitación a mi blog, que tiene de todo un poco, siempre bueno.

I'll really apreciate any information abaout this. You are invited to visit my blog, where you can find diferent sorts of music, but always good music.

Muchos saludos, amigos!
Bye, my friends!